TMS Therapy California

Why Exercise Is Good for Your Mental Health

What is the connection between physical and mental health? Your mental and physical health are closely linked. The condition of your mental well-being can have a big influence on your physical health, whether for better or worse. Would you attempt to improve your mental health if you knew that your emotional health had this much […]

California Psychiatry

Top 5 Ways to Live Your Best Life Now

1. Live in the present moment Living in the present moment may be more difficult than it appears. Humans spend the majority of their time dwelling on the past or future because of our conditioning. Learning how to live in the moment can improve your general well-being and enjoyment of life. We can practice Mindfulness […]

TMS Therapy for PTSD

TMS Therapy for PTSD Treatment

Does TMS Therapy work for PTSD? Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) offers new hope for patients seeking an alternative, drug-free approach to treating PTSD. A recent study by the American Journal of Psychiatry has found when using TMS Therapy for War Veterans who suffer from PTSD, they find relief with 70% of the participants no longer […]

TMS Therapy vs Theta Burst Therapy

TMS Therapy vs Theta Burst Therapy

Transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment, commonly known as TMS therapy, is a non-invasive treatment for depression and anxiety. It uses magnetic pulses to stimulate specific areas of the brain associated with mood regulation. TMS therapy success rate has been proven to be higher than traditional antidepressant medications. This article will discuss the success and side effects of TMS therapy. […]

antidepressant withdrawal symptoms

Depression is at an All-time High in America

There is a silent group suffering in the shadows of the American machine that struggle with a powerful nemesis known as major depression. The increase has been steady and on the rise for the last twenty years in this country. The demographics have skewed lower and lower impacting the youth of this nation. Due to […]

side effects of antidepressants

Side Effects of Antidepressants and Alternative Treatment Options

When you seek out a doctor to get help for depression you hold out high hopes for that prescription they place in your hand. Antidepressants have been the core treatment solution for clinical depression for decades now. You hurry to the pharmacy and begin the trial, certain that these little pills will hold the key […]

different therapies to treat depression

Different Therapies to Treat Depression

Depression is a complex and mysterious mental health disorder that continues to vex the psychiatric community. One patient might show dramatic improvement on a specific antidepressant, while another taking the same drug may experience no improvement at all. One form of psychotherapy may lead to amazing therapeutic breakthroughs with one patient, but that same psychotherapy […]

crippling depression symptoms

Treating Crippling Depression Symptoms With TMS

Depression is a complex and mysterious mental health disorder that affects over 16 million U.S. adults each year. While in some cases the advent of a depressive episode may be linked to distressing life events, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job, or a serious medical diagnosis, it is just as […]

options when antidepressants don't work

Options When Antidepressants Don’t Work

Major depressive disorder can hit hard, its debilitating symptoms boring in and impacting every facet of a person’s life. This severe depression bears a distinct difference from the occasional bout of the blues following a difficult life event, such as a romantic breakup, loss of a job, or the loss of a loved one. While […]

antidepressant side effects comparison

Antidepressant Side Effects Comparison to TMS Therapy

What can be more frustrating than suffering day in and day out with persistent depression, only to find no intervention that seems to work? With one antidepressant trial after another, not only did they not relieve the awful symptoms of depression, but instead were rife with highly unpleasant side effects. It is no wonder that […]