Managing Mental Illness in Older Adults

As we age, it’s common to experience physical and cognitive changes that can affect our mental health. Mental illness is prevalent in older adults, and it’s essential to understand how to manage it effectively. Unfortunately, the aging population often faces several barriers to receiving proper care and treatment, including stigma, lack of access to healthcare, […]

The Different Types of Therapy for Anxiety Disorders

The Different Types of Therapy for Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are a common mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can be a debilitating condition that can impact a person’s quality of life. Thankfully, there are various treatment options available to help people cope with anxiety symptoms. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of therapy for anxiety […]

Understanding and Coping with Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that affects a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function. Those with bipolar disorder experience significant mood swings, shifting between depression and mania. These changes can be intense and rapid, making it difficult to manage daily life. In this article, we will examine bipolar disorder, its symptoms, and ways to […]

Navigating Relationships with a Mental Illness

Navigating Relationships with a Mental Illness

Mental illness can have a profound impact on relationships, making it difficult for those affected to navigate their interpersonal connections. This is especially true when one or both partners have a mental health condition. Fortunately, there are steps that couples can take to ensure that their relationships remain healthy and supportive of all efforts toward […]

psychiatric nurse practitioner vs psychiatrist

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner vs Psychiatrist

When it comes to mental health, finding the right provider can be a challenge. There are many different professionals who offer services in psychiatry, including Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners (PNPs) and Psychiatrists. Understanding the differences between these two roles is essential for making an informed decision about which professional is best suited to meet your needs. […]

Can TMS Therapy Help Ease Pandemic Depression?

The outbreak of COVID-19 has had a significant impact on mental health. Many people have reported increased levels of stress and anxiety, and for those who already suffer from conditions like depression, the situation may be even more difficult to deal with. If you are finding that your usual coping mechanisms are no longer working […]

What is TRD (treatment-resistant depression) and How Can TMS Help?

Depression that does not respond to traditional treatment methods is known as treatment-resistant depression. While this can be discouraging, researchers are progressing in finding new ways to combat this type of depression. This provides hope for those who have not found relief through traditional means. What is TRD and how common is it? Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is […]

Why Men’s Mental Health is Important

The stigma surrounding men’s mental health is preventing many men from seeking the help they need. This is a serious problem that is literally killing men. Mental illness is often seen as a weakness, particularly in men. Seeking treatment for mental health issues can be seen as a sign of weakness or failure. This stigma stops many […]

TMS Insurance Coverage

Is TMS Covered By Insurance?

Most insurance companies will only cover medically necessary services or procedures. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy is now considered medically necessary for the treatment of depression and is therefore covered by many policies. However, there may be some limits to coverage that can vary among insurance providers, so it’s important to check with your benefits […]

TMS Therapy vs. ECT

TMS Therapy vs. ECT Therapy: Which is better for psychiatric treatment?

We all know that we need to keep our brains active and stimulated in order to stay sharp as we age. But sometimes, mental illness can make it tough to muster up the energy and motivation to do things that are good for us. That’s where brain stimulation comes in. There are two main types […]