antidepressant side effects comparison

Antidepressant Side Effects Comparison to TMS Therapy

What can be more frustrating than suffering day in and day out with persistent depression, only to find no intervention that seems to work? With one antidepressant trial after another, not only did they not relieve the awful symptoms of depression, but instead were rife with highly unpleasant side effects. It is no wonder that […]

treatment plan for dysthymia

Treatment Plan for Dysthymia When SSRIs Fail

One of the most elusive and frustrating mental health disorders is dysthymia, also referred to as persistent depressive disorder. Basically, individuals who suffer from dysthymia are held hostage by key depression symptoms for more than two years. Many of these people experience impairment across various aspects of daily life, even potentially becoming debilitated by the […]

Newest Treatments For Drug Resistant Depression

Newest Treatments For Drug Resistant Depression

You have already spent the past four months trialing three different antidepressants, none of which offered any relief for you stubborn case of depression. It is taxing, to say the least, to continue to hope for success each time a new drug is trialed, only to have hope dashed yet again. To make matters worse, […]

TMS OCD Treatment

The Benefits of TMS OCD Treatment

Fans of the old 1970s sitcom, The Odd Couple, may remember Felix Unger, the character whose obsession for neatness and order typified obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), if only as a very minor depiction of the common mental health condition. Felix would scurry around the apartment he shared with his very messy roommate, Oscar, fussing over every […]

major depression recurrent severe

Major Depression Recurrent Severe Treatment With TMS

Major Depression Recurrent Severe Treatment With TMS Being trapped in a cycle of depression, with recurring depressive episodes rendering its victims helpless to this serious mental health disorder, can be totally debilitating.  No sooner do you feel hopeful that maybe, just maybe this time you have overcome the major depression and can reclaim your life […]

Alternative Treatments for Depression

Alternative Treatments for Depression

Alternative Treatments for Depression It is natural to avoid admitting you might have a mental health condition that needs to be treated professionally.  Most of us humans have a certain pride about being able to manage our lives, and having a mental health disorder, such as major depression, just doesn’t fit that scenario.  Acknowledging that […]