Huntington Beach Trauma and PTSD Therapist

Huntington Beach Trauma PTSD Therapist

Huntington Beach Trauma and PTSD Therapist

Experiencing trauma can have a profound impact on an individual’s life.  Whether it is the emotional aftermath of exposure to a traumatic event or the lingering and debilitating effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), getting help from a qualified therapist is key to overcoming the resulting pain.

Trauma can involve any one of several events, such as a physical or sexual assault, exposure to combat, sudden loss of a loved one, a serious accident, a natural disaster, or witnessing a violent event.  Although medications can help ease the residual psychological symptoms of anxiety and depression, getting targeted treatment from a Huntington Beach trauma and PTSD therapist is an essential aspect to the healing process.

Trauma Vs. PTSD

Though it would be wonderful if we could skate through life without ever having to experience a traumatic event, chances are most people will indeed have to wind through the emotional fallout of a trauma at some point.  Because human beings are all wired differently, based on genetics, personality type, and brain chemistry, our response to trauma is also varied. Some may be able to work through the emotional effects of experiencing trauma rather quickly, while others may continue to suffer for months or even years after the event.

PTSD is the diagnosis attributed to the more severe emotional symptoms related to trauma that do not resolve in a reasonable period of healing time.  In fact, PTSD symptoms can continue to plague the individual for years following the event or events, even impeding their ability to function in daily life.  The DMS-5 diagnostic criteria for PTSD include:

  • Direct or indirect exposure to a threatening event, such as witnessing a death, their own life threatened, an actual or threatened physical or sexual assault.
  • The traumatic event is repeatedly re-experienced through nightmares, upsetting memories, flashbacks, or emotional or physical distress after exposed to reminders of the trauma.
  • Avoidance of any trauma-related stimuli, including trauma-related thoughts, feelings, or reminders.
  • A negative change in thoughts or feelings that happened after the event, resulting in difficulty remembering the event, acquiring overly negative attitudes, exaggerated blame of self or others relating to the traumatic event, decreased interest in activities once enjoyed, feeling isolated, difficulty experiencing happiness.
  • Trauma-related heightened reactivity or arousal beginning or worsening after the event, such as being easily startled, being on edge, difficulty sleeping, exhibiting risky or self-destructive behaviors, or difficulty concentrating.

To be diagnosed with PTSD a certain number of these symptoms must have been present for a minimum of one month, causing distress and impairment in daily functioning, and are not due to a medication, a substance use disorder, or a physical illness.

How a Huntington Beach Trauma and PTSD Therapist Can Help

When suffering from trauma stress or PTSD it is beneficial to seek help from a therapist who specializes in treating these conditions.  The therapist will utilize certain treatment modalities that are useful in helping the individual overcome the symptoms of trauma stress or PTSD.  These treatments include eye movement and desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR) has been demonstrated to help with treating trauma and PTSD.  Also, exposure therapy, mindfulness exercises, and cognitive behavioral therapy have all been successfully utilized for trauma and PTSD treatment.

TMS Adjunct Treatment for Trauma and PTSD

An exciting new treatment tool for PTSD and trauma, which meshes nicely with psychotherapy and related therapies, is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).  TMS uses strong, repetitive magnetic pulses applied to the skull through a coil. The resulting induction of electrical currents can shift the activity of brain neurons, having a positive effect on mood disorders.  While TMS was FDA cleared in 2008 for the treatment of major depressive disorder, it has been found that those patients who also presented with a co-occurring anxiety disorder were also helped with the TMS therapy. In fact, a recent clinical study concluded that significant symptom reduction occurred, in both disorders, among the 33 study participants.

In the case of treating trauma and PTSD, TMS is applied to the right prefrontal cortex of the brain, with treatments applied five days per week for 4-6 weeks for optimal results.  TMS is highly tolerated by patients, and requires no anesthesia or down time. When combined with other therapies, TMS can augment the effects and significantly improve the symptoms of trauma and PTSD.

Anew Era TMS & Psychiatry Huntington Beach Trauma and PTSD Therapist and TMS Provider

Anew Era TMS & Psychiatry is a Huntington Beach trauma and PTSD therapist that offers TMS therapy as an adjunct treatment for these mental health conditions.  The expert therapists at Anew Era TMS & Psychiatry are specially trained to treat the symptoms of anxiety and depression in a multi-modal fashion to provide a better quality of life for their patients.  For more information about these therapies, please contact Anew Era TMS & Psychiatry today at (888) 503-1549.