What is TMS Therapy
Depression impacts every facet of the afflicted individual’s life, rendering them unable to complete even the most basic daily tasks.
Anyone who has battled major depression can attest to the debilitating consequences of this serious mood disorder. Depression impacts every facet of the afflicted individual’s life, rendering them unable to complete even the most basic daily tasks. Seeking treatment for a major depressive disorder (MDD) can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. Multiple trials of assorted antidepressants often fail to alleviate the symptoms of MDD, and are often associated with intolerable side effects.
A Cutting Edge Alternative
Thankfully, there is a cutting edge alternative treatment for depression that is life-changing in its effectiveness. Cleared in 2008 by the FDA for treating MDD, Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive treatment that does not require anesthesia, and is well tolerated. Using a coil that is strategically placed on the scalp, TMS uses repetitive magnetic pulses that are targeted to the mood center of the brain. The resulting electro-magnetic currents act to stimulate dormant brain cells in the limbic region, eventually re-balancing brain chemistry and resulting in improved concentration, sleep quality, and overall mood.
PHQ-9 Depression Screening
Anew Era TMS & Psychiatry offers an online version of the commonly used Depression Screening tool called the PHQ-9. The nine items of the PHQ-9 are based directly on the nine diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder in the DSM-IV.
TMS Therapy
TMS therapy is safe and effective, with none of the risks associated with general anesthesia or the unpleasant side effects that accompany antidepressants. The therapeutic process takes from 3-6 weeks, with 40-minute sessions five days per week. The client is fully alert during the TMS Depression therapy procedure, and can easily return to normal daily activities following the sessions.
A Leading Provider
Anew Era is a leading provider of this exciting entry into the treatment of MDD. Call us today and learn more about what is TMS therapy and learn more about this highly effective alternative treatment for depression.